

The task of maintaining our extensive instrumental and publications catalogues, both in-print and on-line, is ably administered by Goffy, our MIS/DP manager, General Factotum, and the brainiest bird in the ASW aviary. His extensive background in engineering and computer science enables him to keep our many catalogues and brochures as well as our customer database and mailing lists up to date and in tiptop form. He keeps our computers as well as our scanners, printers, digital cameras, and other related devices humming along with nary a glitch. Best of all, he charges far less than most computer consultants – in fact, he works for birdseed.


  1. Recorders
  2. Historical Woodwind Instruments
  3. Historical Brass Instruments
  4. Historical String Instruments
  5. Historical Percussion Instruments
  6. Gifts, Cases, Stands, and Accessories
  7. Sheet Music, Books, and Other Publications

What's New at Antique Sound Workshop?

Carlton's Clearance Corner

Martin's Music Markdowns

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Please note: our catalogue contains extensive data in tabular format and is best viewed using Netscape Navigator 4.0+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0+.

Copyright, Antique Sound Workshop, Ltd., 2020. All rights reserved.